Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Big changes ahead!

Dave's motto for getting pumped up to get out of debt is, "Live like no one else, so that you can live like no one else!" At this point in my life, I was not expecting to downsize and minimize and live like a broke college student, but if I want to get ahead and have the things I want someday, I have to make the sacrifices now. John and I have decided that, although we are making progress toward our savings goal, it is not fast enough! We are going to minimize big time. Whatever that is not essential to our survival or our sanity has got to be cut back or eliminated. We can either live a mediocre life now, or live a great life later. I want a great life. These changes are not going to be easy...or fun...but they are necessary. I want Hudson to know that his parents busted their butts to provide for him, and that we were not afraid to make sacrifices to get ourselves into a better situation. The first time we went "Gazelle Intense" I was working full time and John was working two jobs. We don't have that luxury this time because we have Hudson, but we will have to be creative and figure out a way to do incredible things with less money coming in.

I would LOVE to have any suggestions that anyone has to live on less, earn more, and be happy while doing it!!



  1. Get rid of cable or dish TV (if you have it). Use Netflix for streaming or just check stuff out from the library, even better, it's FREE!

  2. We always look at our bills and see ways we can cut back- especially random grocery items that are more treats, not actual necessities. And we have none smart phones- that saves a ton! Things like that :)

  3. I don't know if you are using the envelope system but it really works to control spending. Perhaps a yard sale will help although I haven't dine that yet. I did sell a vehicle and some rings, used Gold Stash for the jewerly.
